Hello everyone, hope all is well. I understand we've been silent for close to about a month now.

19 Jul 2023, 02:39
Hello everyone, hope all is well. I understand we've been silent for close to about a month now. Behind the scenes we’ve gone about restructuring pretty much everything, and will open a community discussion next weekend to share a bit more info on our progress as well as the launch of our new site and Discord. The site so far by Kieran is quite detailed in our approach of the migration process, and I have to say it’s worth the wait given our 2 Year journey thus far. I’ve personally given a lot of thought as to what my role in this project will be moving forward, however I would like to it be such that we recruit a more experienced business advisor to handle the ropes of our project to ensure deadlines in the future are met. We’ll discuss more about this in next week’s call. Overall, we just wanted to say thanks for all of your patience as we know it’s been a bit unsettling not hearing from us. Regulation with the market has improved drastically as of late, so we’re geared towards an exciting future with our IP and Community. I hope we’re ready for what’s to come. If you have any questions, please feel free to DM!